During December, traffic on the main cryptocurrency exchanges fell by 20-27%;
The total supply of the USDC stablecoin on the Ethereum network has overtaken that of USDT for the first time;
Experiment: someone tried to run BTC mining on a 1986 Toshiba T1100 Plus laptop. It was possible to accomplish 3.6 H/s. At the current hash rate, it would take 584 million years to earn $1;
CoinGecko experts have calculated that over $14 billion was lost due to bugs and exploits in 2021;
A solo miner with only 116 TH of hashrate capacity found a valid block on Thursday to take home a 6.25 BTC reward worth over $267,500 at the time of writing, only a couple of days after another individual miner had made the same achievement;
13 years ago, in his legendary letter, Hal Finney (the man who accepted the first BTC transaction from Satoshi Nakamoto) predicted that the price of BTC will reach $10 million;
Vitalik Buterin asks which coin would dominate by 2035 if not Ethereum — here are the people's choices:
The number of users who made at least one transaction on the largest NFT marketplace, OpenSea, exceeded 1 million;
Jack Dorsey helps found non-profit legal defense fund to protect Bitcoin developers. The former Twitter CEO is aiming to protect vulnerable Bitcoin developers from what he sees as a predacious litigation trend;
BTC dominance in the crypto market has fallen to a 4-year low. Right now it is 40%;
The UAS Fed's report on the results of studying the national digital currency (CBDC) will appear in the coming weeks. This was stated by the chairman of the department, Jerome Powell, during hearings in the Senate on his reappointment.