How to withdraw funds from an investment account?

You need to sign in and go to the Trust. From the "Statistics" page go to the account from which you plan to withdraw funds. In the right panel click "Manage Investments". In the window that opens select the currency of the withdrawal and the corresponding tab for the withdrawal: withdraw only a part or all of the amount in one selected currency from the investment account, or withdraw all funds in all currencies from the investment account.

After selecting the type of withdrawal on the withdrawal tab select the withdraw period.

Next trading period end

Withdraw funds at the end of the current trading period of the account. At the same time there will be no penalty or commissions for withdrawal. On the day after the specified date of the end of the trading period the money will be transfer from the investment account to the investment master account.


Withdraw funds instantly, but with a penalty (the amount of the penalty depends on the offer of the account). The money will be transfer from the investment account to the investment master account.

After selecting the withdrawal period the withdrawal amount is selected.

Withdraw the profit for the current trading period

Available only for withdrawal on the nearest date. The current profit is displayed under the selection point (maybe negative). By the end of the trading period, this amount may change in any direction, it all depends on the trading results. In this regard, this method does not guarantee that at the end of the trading period at least some amount will be withdrawn, for example, if at the end of the period the trading result would be negative.

Withdraw all funds

To withdraw all funds in the selected currency (not the same as withdrawing all funds in all currencies from the investment account from the "Withdraw all funds" tab).

Important! It is impossible to withdraw a part of the funds from the investment account so that the balance of all funds in the account would be less than the minimum threshold for investment in the managed account / portfolio.
Indicate the amount

Withdraw the specific amount from the investment account. For early withdrawal, the specified amount includes a penalty for withdrawal, i.e. the entered amount minus a fine will be credited to the account of the investor’s personal account.

Withdraw from the investment master account

To withdraw funds from the master investment account, you can use one of the next two methods:

  1. On the "Statistics" page in Trust in the right panel click the "Withdraw" button and in the header of the window that opens select the currency for withdrawal. In the input field enter the amount to transfer and click "Withdraw".
  2. Go to the Wallet. On the master account page for the "Invest" tab select the currency for the transferthe amount need to be transferred from the investment master account to the master account and click "Withdraw" button.
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