Protective masks, regular temperature checks, obligatory presentation of a special code by using a smartphone, maintaining a social distance of at least 1 meter — all these protective measures are very strict in many tourist areas, and much more in the facilities for excursions in China.
Travelers take very seriously the strictest hygiene rules and sanitary standards when organizing their trips. Many experts believe that for some specific time, such unprecedented safety measures will assign primary importance to people who plan to go on tourist trips.
Hainan island province in China plans to apply a special points program which is based on blockchain technology. Thus, this opens new opportunities for the revival of tourism in the region. It wasn’t that long ago that Hainan began to promote actively the idea of creating the country's first blockchain free-trade zone.
The provincial authorities in power intend to stimulate tourism after a strong decline in thisindustry caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The idea is that incoming travelers use a single unified blockchain platform for a wide range of activities.
As early as last year, Hainan was chosen for the project to develop blockchain companies that are active in the field of finance. The USA helps promote this idea and even has givensupport in $142 million. Bank of China, a large commercial state bank, has recently announced that the platform based on the blockchain has processed about 60 foreign exchange transactions for 7 organizations located in this area.
It is reported as well that the health authorities have allowed to apply the blockchaintechnology. It allows you to move between Guangdong and Macao which exchange medical data online. Due to these latest solutions, travelers will be able to transmit information about their health through a special code in just a few minutes.